

Department of Mines and Geology is one of the important Department of District Simdega ,Jharkhand.It is the administrative Department of the Mines and Geology.The Main function and activities of the Department are systematic survey and assessment of the mineral deposits of their exploitation,administration of mines and mineral concession,enforcement measures for prevention of illegal mining and smuggling of minerals and assessment and colletion of mining revenue. The Department strives for sustainable development of mineral resoures in a scientific and eco-friendly manner; so as to create a conductive environment for industrual growth in the district.

  1. Department of mines– Department of mines is responsible for the grant of prospecting Licences, Recoinnance permit & mining leases of minerals. It collects mineral revenue in the district. It acts as nodal department of mineral administration and works as per acts, rules and provisions related to the mineral development, sustainable and lawful mining in the simdega district.

2.Department of Geology-It conducts details geological exploration of important minerals, ground water survey, geo technical studies and analysis of varios minerals. It has responsibility to prepare mineral blocks for auction with reference to newly enforced mineral Auction Rule,2015 of govt. of india.

Simdega district is inriched in minor mineral such as schiest, quartz, lime stone, Dolomite, Decorative stone ,kynite lead etc. Geological survey of india (GSI) has undertaken exploration of Diomonds in shankh river bed in simdega.GSI has identified simdega to have huge and promosing diamond Deposit. Jindal steel and power has obtained a reconnaissances permit to undertake preliminary exploration of precious metal like gold, Including stone such as diamond in simdega.


A rich mineral producing district where natural resources are used optimally and equitably keeping strict environmental safeguards in the overall interest of the district and its people


Exploration, development and administration of existing mineral potential of the state and simdega district to ensure optimum,secured and sustainable itilization of mineral resources for the socioeconomic development of the people of simdega and under strict environmental safe guards.


Sl.No. Description File
04 DSR (Sand Minerals) of Simdega District, District Mining Office, Simdega Click here

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03 DMFT Report Click here
02 District Survey Report, District Mining Office, Simdega Click here
01 Industry, Revenue and DMFT related details Click Here