
Agriculture and Horticulture

Agriculture & Horticulture Department, Simdega


Name Of officer Designation Office E-mail id Mobile No Office Address
ANIMANAND TOPPO District Agriculture –cum – Horticulture officer 9431526034 Joint Agriculture Building, Opposite Sadar Hospita, Simdega



                                      Jharkhand state was created on 15 November, 2000. The state has an area of 79.7 lakh hectare with 16 per cent of the country’s natural resources. It  is blessed with rich mineral wealth having 32% of India’s Coal reserves,  25% of India’s Copper reserves, Uranium, Mica, Bauxite, Granite, Gold, Silver, Graphite, Magnetite, Dolomite, Fireclay, Quartz, Fieldspar,  Iron,  etc. Forests and woodlands occupy more than 29% of the state which is amongst the highest in India.  However,  the basis of the economy is agriculture and allied activities. Out of the total geographical area, only 18.08 lakh ha is the net area available for cultivation. The net irrigated area is only 1.57 lakh ha. which is about 8 per cent of the net sown area. At present the state is producing only 22 lakh tons of food grains which is sufficient to feed only 48 per cent population of the state, whereas, with respect to milk, fish and fruits the available resources are hardly meeting 50 per cent requirement of the state. This state is primarily rainfed and crop production largely depends on monsoon.   The State as a whole has been divided into seven agro-ecological regions and Simdega District situated in the south western part of Jharkhand is part of the Netarhat  and Ranchi plateau region. The landscape is hilly and undulating plateau land partly covered by forest which constitutes about 32% of the area of the district. The major rivers in this district are Sankh, Deo, Girwa and Palamara. The main economy of the district depends on agriculture, forest produce, cattle rearing and mining labour.      Simdega District came into existence on 30th April 2001. Prior to this it formed part of Gumla district as a subdivision. The district is divided into ten development Blocks namely Bano, Jaldega, Kurdeg, Bolwa, Simdega, Kolebira, Pakartanr, Bansjor, Kersai and Thethaitangar. It is bounded by Gumla district in north, Chhatisgarh and Orissa state in the west and South respectively.  The district consist of Simdega plateau with rugged topography with turbulent streams, steep slopes, high cliffs and narrow valleys. The general slope of the district is from North to South. Geologically the area is comprised with Archean granites and gneisses. In the uplands considerable thickness of laterite of Pleistocene age is found in the granite and gneisses tracts. Alluvium of recent to sub-recent age is found in the river valley. The area is drained by South Koel and Sankh rivers.

The population of Simdega district according to 2011 Census is 599813 residing in 107511 households. Simdega is primarily a rural district with 94% of the total population living in the rural areas. Urbanization is very poor with 6.6 per cent population only living in urban areas. Simdega is the only town in the district. The room density in urban area is more as 6.6 per cent of the urban population resides in the 5.9 per cent households. Simdega district is primarily settled by the Scheduled Tribes (ST) with 70.2 per cent population, which is the highest among all the districts of Jharkhand closely followed by Gumla district with 67.2 per cent ST population. Majority of the tribal population in the district belongs to Christian faith, making the district a minority concentrated district. In addition to this there are about 3% of Mu slims minorities as well. About 8% of the population consists of Scheduled Castes (SC) and the remaining population constitutes other caste Hindus. Major tribal groups in the district are Oraons, Kharia, and Mundas etc. A few families belonging to the Primitive Tribal group like Asur, Birhor etc are also living in the district.  


As like majority of the rural districts in the country Agriculture is the main source of income for the rural population of the District. However agriculture in Simdega is in a very primitive and under developed state. Majority of the rural populace depends on traditional methods of agriculture. Other problems in the agriculture sector include lack of irrigation facilities, absence of scientific inputs, poor marketing facilities, under developed infrastructure etc.  Statistic shows that out of 1,34,024 hects of cultivable land only 4669.83 hects of land is irrigated. The agriculture is mainly dependent on seasonal rain. Even though the average rainfall of the district is 1100-1200 mm due to lack of rainwater harvesting techniques most of the rainwater remain unutilised.



SI. No. Crop Kharif Rabi Summer
1. Cereal Rice, Maize Wheat Summer rice
2. Oil seed crop Groundnut, Niger Toria, Rai, Mustard
3. Pulses crop Blackgram, Pigeon pea, Chickpea, pea, Field pea
4. Vegetables Ladys finger, Cowpea, Cucurubits etc. Potato, Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli, Cauliflower cabbage etc. Ladys finger, Cowpea, Cucurubits etc.
5. Fruits crop Papaya, Jackfruit, Mango, Custard apple, Black berry etc. Papaya,Guava, Mahua Jack fruit,


  • Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK)


S. No Farming system/enterprise
01 Rainfed paddy sowing and transplanting


2-   Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations

               (based on soil and topography)


S. No Agro-climatic Zone Characteristics
01 Zone-VI Avg.Rainfall 1200 mm



S. No Agro ecological situation Characteristics
01 AES -I (Kurdeg Block) Irrigated & Rainfed,Plain,sandy Loam.
02 AES – II (T.Tanger Block) Rainfed,Undulated land,red latterite.
03 AES – III (Bano Block) Rainfed,Hilly forest,slopy land,red latterite gravel soil.


2.3           Soil types


S. No Soil type Characteristics Area in ha
01 Red Latte rite & sandy loam Coarse to medium texture,strongly acidic to neutral,PH value 5.5 to 7.0 152849.2


      2.4. Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district                   (latest)


S. No Crop Area (ha) Production (q) Productivity
01 Paddy 85866 2579230 30.03
02 Maize 8843 228377 25.83
03 Pigeon pea 9000 94500 10.50
04 Black gram 23200 225200 9.70
05 Wheat 8792 197820 22.50
06 chickpea 11389 136668 12.0
07 Rai/Musturd 11189 69931 6.25



Description of Schemes /Programme & progress :-



Name Of Scheme Description Progress
1 Seed Exchange ,distribution Programme  and Seed Production Scheme Under the scheme of seed exchange and distribution, certified seeds are made available to farmers in Kharif and Rabi seasons at subsidized rate (50%) through lamps/packs. Also, to make the district self-reliant in seed production, seed production programs are being run in different seed multiplication fields of the district. Paddy– 934.15 Qt, Ragi- 200 Qt and Groundnut -69.60 Qt Certified Seed Distribution in Kharif 2021 trough different lamps.
2 Scheme of agricultural fair, workshop exhibition, training, excursion, promotion, award and publicity  Training and promotion plays an important role to increase agricultural production, this scheme is being run for the information of latest technology in the agriculture sector, in which agricultural fair, workshop exhibition, training, excursion, promotion, awards and promotion etc. are for the all-round development of the farmers. is done for And information about the schemes being run by the Department of Agriculture is also given. 1 workshop has been completed at the district level and 10 workshops have been organized at the block level, through which about 1500 farmers have been given the latest information about agriculture and allied sectors.
3 Agri Clinic Scheme The main objective of the Agri Clinic scheme is to increase agricultural productivity, farmers’ yield and income by giving proper advice to the farmers. Under the scheme, advisory is being provided to the farmers on soil health, weather forecast, plant protection and other issues related to agriculture. The financial year 2020-21, an Agri Clinic has been established at the District level, which is operated in the ATIC center located in the courtyard of the District Agriculture Office.
4 Jharkhand Krishi Rin Maafi Yojna The main objective of Jharkhand Agriculture Loan Waiver Scheme is to give relief from the debt burden to the short term agricultural loan holder farmer of Jharkhand state, as well as to improve the credit worthiness of the loan holder, ensure the receipt of new crop loan, stop the migration of farming community and To strengthen the agricultural economy.Under the Jharkhand Agriculture Loan Waiver Scheme, there is a provision to waive off the outstanding amount up to Rs.50,000/- To get the benefit of the scheme, the eligible farmers can apply to the nearest Pragya Kendra/concerned banks by paying Rs.1 rupees. Under the scheme, till now the loans of 4519 loanee farmers have been waived off in Simdega district.
5 Pradhanmantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna (PMKSY) Under this scheme, efficient use of water through proper methods, better water management, expansion of irrigated area by adopting efficient irrigation techniques, increasing water use efficiency, increasing crop production and productivity, increasing farmers’ income and fertilizers. And there is proper use of electricity.Under this scheme, in the ratio of 60:40, 33% central share and 22% state share, total 55% grant (small marginal farmers), 27% central share and 18% state share, 45% (other farmers) grant is provided by the state government by giving additional 35% grant. Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation system is installed at 90% subsidy to small and marginal farmers and 80% subsidy to general farmers. Against the target of 500 hectares in the financial year 2020-21, a total work order of 3,75,8500 has been issued for the installation of drip irrigation in an area of ​​310 hectares. In the financial year 2021-22, the approval & physical target of the scheme has been received.
6 Pradhanmantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna (PMKISAN) ·  PM KISAN is a Central Sector scheme with 100% funding from Government of India

· It has become operational from 1.12.2018.

·  Under the scheme an income support of Rs.6000/- per year in three equal instalments will be provided to small and marginal farmer families having combined land holding/ownership of up to 2 hectares

· Definition of family for the scheme is husband, wife and minor children.

·State Government and UT Administration will identify the farmer families which are eligible for support as per scheme guidelines.

· The fund will be directly transferred to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.

Under the scheme, first installment to 30250 farmers, second installment to 26378 farmers, third installment to 26337 farmers, fourth installment to 23898, fifth installment to 24250 farmers, sixth installment to 23846 farmers, seventh installment to 6453 farmers and eighth installment to 6413 farmers have been paid




Horticulture Schemes:-

1. Udyaan vikas ki yojna Along with the all-round development of horticultural crops, the main objective of the scheme is to increase the income of the farmers, the following works are done under this scheme.·   5 days training to gardener friends and farmers.·   90 days gardener training to youth·   chili cultivation·   Oal Cultivation.·   Establishment of kittles vegetable production unit·   floriculture in open environment·   Establishment of quality vegetable, flower, fruit and plant matter production unit·   Installation of home garden unit·   mushroom kit distribution·   5 days training on mushroom theme·   Demonstration for technical cultivation of vegetables·   Papaya Plant Distribution Possible physical target has been achieved for the financial year 2021-22, the work of collection of applications from farmers has started.
2 MIDH (National Horticulture Mission)
1. Promote holistic growth of horticulture sector, through area based regionally differentiated strategies, which includes research, technology promotion, extension, post-harvest management, processing and marketing, in consonance with comparative advantage of each region and its diverse agro-climatic features;
2. Encourage aggregation of farmers into farmer groups like FIGs/FPOs and FPCs to bring economy of scale and scope.
3. Enhance horticulture production, augment farmers, income and strengthen nutritional security;
4. Improve productivity by way of quality germ plasma, planting material and water use efficiency through Micro Irrigation.
5. Support skill development and create employment generation opportunities for rural youth in horticulture and post-harvest management, especially in the cold chain sector.

the following works are done under this scheme:-

·         Dragon Fruit cultivation

·         Strawberry Cultivation

·         Banana Cultivation

·         Pineapple Cultivation

·         Papaya Cultivation

·         Mango Plant Cultivation

·         Citrus Cultivation

·         Aonla Cultivation

·         Litchi Cultivation

·         Guava cultivation

·         Hybrid Vegetables Cultivation

·         Cut flower Cultivation

·         Loose Flower Cultivation

·         Bulbous Flower Cultivation

·         Aromatic plant cultivation

·         Spices Cultivation

·         Creation of water resources

·         Vermin Compost unit distribution

·         Pack House

·         Preservation Unit

·         Onion Storage unit

·         Farmers Exposure Visit

·         Farmers Training under state

·         Mobile Vending cart

Possible physical target has been achieved for the financial year 2021-22, the work of collection of applications from farmers has started.